Labels:crt screen | dialog box | monitor | plant | road | sky | stairs | trade name | window OCR: Netscape IYYYYYY Viewer Test Page] File Edit View Go Bookmarks Options Directory Help T Back Forward Home Reload Images Oper Prin Find Stop Location: http://www-dsed.Ilnl. What's New! What's Cool! Handbook Net Search l Net Directory Select the TEST buttons on the right to test your viewers If vou do not have vewer or if it is installed incorrectly, then you need to go to the subsections Select the text on the left to go to the subsections and download vewer The objects closer to the top of the list are more generic than those near the bottom. There discussions and viewers for UNIX systems, MACs, and PCs in each subsection: 1. Plain Text TEST WWW viewer (HTML docunentj TEST TSV database graph TEST GIF image. TEST JPEG image TEST Open lInl wewer appropriate docum ...